August 30, 2022
I have read the ‘Description’ and ‘Requirements’/’Expected Result’ one last time and confirm to have tested the functionality / fix of this ticket thoroughly and everything is working exactly as described in those sections.
I have tested the functionality on both Android and iOS.
I have double-checked the design file and confirm that current implementation is a pixel perfect clone of the the original design.
I considered any security risks and took the appropriate actions accordingly such as placing the right security tag and defined and/or implemented any actions under the heading ‘Security’.
I have added short, descriptive and maintainable documentation to all new classes and methods.
I have added short, descriptive and maintainable logging to each new piece of code where it seems logical to do so for debugging / crash reporting purposes.
I have added sensible error handling using try/catch statements and optional custom exceptions where needed.
I have added any new analytics to our
enum and updated the corresponding unit tests accordingly.I went over existing unit tests / integration tests and updated (or created new ones) where necessary.
I went over all other (existing) features that were somehow involved in this ticket and made sure none of them broke during the development of this feature.
I informed or made plans to inform everyone / every team in the ‘Impact Communication’ section about the impact of releasing this ticket.
I have double-checked, filled in and completed all the ‘Acceptance Test’ criteria.
I did a full round of QA of my own code and can confirm that the upcoming PR contains my best possible version of this ticket.