Story Ticket Template

Story Ticket Template

Although often desired not every bug or new functionality needs a fully filled out template. Some topics may not always apply or are too obvious to be filled in for that specific ticket. So, feel free to remove sections as needed or leave ‘N/A’ to indicate that it’s not applicable. Also please note that the structure of given subjects are mere guidelines, if you feel a subject would be better explained in plain sentences, drawings or a whole different way then by all means feel free to remove the initial structure and implement it as you see fit.

⁉️ Questions

Questions and/or pressing matters in here need to be resolved as soon as possible, preferably before or shortly after starting the ticket.
  • N/A

🔖 Description

A short and descriptive introduction of the problem we are going to solve.
  • N/A

🗣 User Story

As a ROLE I want BEHAVIOUR so that REASON.

⚙️ Requirements

Functional requirements define what the system does or must not do, non-functional requirements specify how the system should be/act .

💾 Data Model

Old and new data models that will be created and/or altered when this feature is added. Describe the new name and location of the model as well as any fields that are new or will be removed.
Name: ExampleName

🔒 Security Rules

Old and new security rules with roles and access that will be created and/or altered when this feature is added.
Collection: ExampleCollection


Anything related to new API calls. Copy/paste the template and/or components inside the template to cover all new endpoints, requests and responses. Use for easy JSON generation.
Name: CreateExample

📊 Analytics

Name preferably ends with a verb. The ‘When’ describes when this analytic is fired and ‘Properties’ describe the map of properties that’s sent along with the analytic. Use for easy properties (JSON) generation.
Name: example_created

⚡️ Integration Tests

  • What to test and why?
    • N/A
  • Ideas for different scenarios?
    • N/A
  • Ideas for different examples?
    • N/A

👾 Unit Tests

Components that would benefit from separate unit tests and which scenario's should be tested.
  • What to test and why?
    • N/A
  • Ideas for different scenarios?
    • N/A
  • Ideas for different examples?
    • N/A

👨‍🔧 Current Tests

Integration and/or unit tests components that need an upgrade when this feature is added.

Any existing tests that need to be updated?

  • N/A

🤝 Acceptance Test

Which scenario’s should we test in the acceptance test? So that we can make sure that this ticket does what it is supposed to do without any unexpected errors.
  • N/A

☎️ Impact Communication

Who / which teams should we inform about the impact of releasing this ticket?
  • Sales:
  • Marketing:
  • Data:
  • CS:
  • Other:

🎨 UI/UX Behaviour

Anything to take note of regarding the behaviour of UI/UX elements (if applicable). Think of position, behaviour when elements do not fit the screen, feedback on elements and properties of animations.
  • N/A

📝 Suggested Approach

With knowledge of the current codebase, try to define a best suggested approach. Think of current components used, flow of data and UI elements.

👉 Final Remarks

Anything to take note off that is not properly defined yet. Think of out of scope notes, dependencies, anything to be extra cautious about and/or information about related issues.
  • N/A

‼️ Markdown version